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The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time: A Proposal in Natural Philosophy Customer Reviews
:- 4.0 out of 5 stars from dcleve -- Important but Flawed : The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time, by Unger and Smolin, feel in many ways like the most important book I have read in a decade. Yet it is also one of the frustratingly most flawed books I have ever forced myself to read. Unger and Smolin’s title leaves the reader in no doubt what they will argue: they are in favor of a time model where the future is actually unknown, and disagree with all multiverse models. Unger takes on the job of arguing these points in philosophical terms, while Smolin argues the physics case. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2017 )
- 3.0 out of 5 stars from Hanoch Livneh -- An uneven approach to understanding the nature of time in our (only) universe : Unger and Smolin provide readers with an uneven and, at times, scientifically unsupported approach to their views on the reality of time (time is real, inclusive, non-emergent, and unidirectional) and the existence of a singular universe (the universe is with all likelihood a single universe...forget the multiverse). They, further, argue that the laws of nature are not fixed but rather amenable to change over extended periods of time. Mathematics, surprisingly is dwarfed in its importance and afforded a mere limited scope in its importance. ( Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2019 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Massimo Pigliucci -- Time is real, there is one universe, and math is a human invention : This is a serious book for a mix audience of scientists, philosophers and people who can stomach a lot of science and philosophy. But it is well worth the effort. I have published a comprehensive half review (on the first part of the book, written by Unger, the philosopher) over at Scientia Salon, together with a separate essay focusing on Smolin's (the physicist) treatment of mathematics in the second half of the book. I don't always agree with Smolin (I'm not a physicist, by the way, but a philosopher of science), but here the authors pull off a major, credible challenge to the reigning interpretation of the standard model in physics and of general relativity. Time, they argue, is real and fundamental; there is only one universe (no multiverse stuff); and mathematics isn't a magical tool to investigate a Platonic realm, but a very useful, yet crucially limited, human invention. Unger's prose is repetitive and slow going, but he is very clear; Smolin's heavy on the physics, especially at the beginning. Then again, this is one of those books that has the potential to change the way you look at the universe, so the effort pays off handsomely. ( Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2015 )
- 3.0 out of 5 stars from C. Esson -- A messy disappointment on a fascinating topic : RMU & LS want to encourage scientists to investigate the cosmos guided by their three ideas (singular universe, reality of time, regional applicability of mathematics). The first problem is that each one of those ideas is philosophically complex, and contrary to the prevailing views of many physicists, cosmologists and theorists. RMU & LS's chosen approach is to argue that by adopting their ideas, difficult cosmological questions could be simplified or even answered. The justification for their argument is pinned to the explanatory empirical success of science. However, the second problem is that they are making this argument at a time when the empirical character of science is being contested, and they themselves seem not to have a very clear understanding of what the character of science should be. RMU & LS can make neither a sufficient methodological nor metaphysical argument for their program. In the first case they lack the background in the philosophy of science. In the second, and following from the first, they think that an empirical justification is enough and they need not do metaphysics. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 27, 2017 )
- 4.0 out of 5 stars from D R Stringer -- Two books in one. One is very good. : This book is probably going to get bad reviews. Don't let that put you off too much. Lee Smolin's (LS) section is excellent, well-written, rewarding, rich in content and accessible to expert and non-expert. If you have any interest in cosmology, it is a must-read. Roberto Mangabeira Unger's (RMU) section, by contrast, is hard going. He has good things to say but says them in a very tedious style. I would therefore recommend that you read only chapter one of RMU's part to get his main points then go straight to all of LS's part. In spite of this, unless you are new to cosmology, the book is worth buying. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 9, 2015 )
- 1.0 out of 5 stars from Marcus Fabius -- Bad Science infected by Philosophy : The scientist writer in this pair of authors has allowed himself to be subverted by unscientific philosophic thinking. The book is riddled with baseless assertions, as if it is enough to write down an empirically vacuous but philosophically sounding phrase, and that's it. That explains it, of course. The authors proclaim their great insight: 'Time is real`. Of course. Now I understand, ..... I DON'T THINK. What if they had said "Time is XXX"? Would I still understand? No . The assumption made in this book is that we all "know" what is real, don't we? Doesn't everyone? Do you see the point I'm making? In Science, as opposed to Philosophy, you cannot define your way out. You just do experiments and compare them to predictions of your theories. You don't believe those theories. You don't disbelieve them. They are just fabrications designed to give a working understanding of our environment. They don't have absolute truth values. They have degrees of contextual usefulness. So, I really don't know what Unger and Smolin mean when they use the word 'real'. I do know what it means in Science. It's whatever data I have collected in my detectors. That's all. Philosophy is not Science and should keep a respectful distance away from it. Philosophers: don't try to tell scientists what quantum theory and time mean, unless you are prepared to do experiments. Sort out morality and that sort of issue, where you might do some good. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 27, 2021 )
- 5.0 out of 5 stars from Richard Atkinson -- Took almost an "infinite" time to read...but well worth it : Probably the most complex book i have read in a long time. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 29, 2016 )
- 3.0 out of 5 stars from Amazon Customer -- Competent rather than inspiring. : Co author Smolin has written extensively on temporal matters, and his contribution here adds little to that which he has already published. Unger's philosophy is interesting but again not ground breaking. It is now usual for authors writing about science to suggest that science itself falls short of its own ambitions to provide an answer, or theory, of everything. Various reasons for this are suggested. Unger and Smolin rehearse some of the issues directly and indirectly, but remain constrained within the bounds of current scientific orthodoxy. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 26, 2017 )
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